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With A Warm, Caring Staff and Stunningly Natural Results,
Our Approach to Surgery is Anything but Plastic

When patients tell us they are considering a tummy tuck, we hear statements like:

  • “I work out regularly, but how many crunches does it take? My stomach just won’t budge.”
  • “After having my kids, I got my weight back down, but my belly still has a bulge.”
  • “I don’t drink beer, but it looks like I have a beer belly!”
  • ”What can we do about this skin hanging over my bikini area?”

Do any of the above quotes sound like you? Don’t worry – we can help.

Excess skin and fat in the mid-section of the body can be particularly stubborn. A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is an excellent way to remove this excess fat and skin from the middle and lower abdomen (or tummy) region when dieting and exercise yield insufficient results. A tummy tuck contours the abdominal area, making the stomach flatter and the waist slimmer. The muscles can be tightened and brought closer to the middle of your belly, making them more efficient and flatter while reversing some separation that may have been caused by pregnancy or previous weight gain. If necessary, love handles can be addressed by targeted liposuction.

There are several abdominoplasty techniques, and Dr. Coan has years of experience performing successful tummy tucks for both male and female patients. Your body and lifestyle are unique, so your surgical plan must be equally unique. Abdominoplasty is a very satisfying surgery that can help you fit into your clothing better while making you feel more youthful and self-confident.


Care Plastic Surgery in Cary, NC is the only office offering 3D imaging technology by Crisalix. Discover how you can look after a cosmetic procedure or plastic surgery. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are tummy tucks dangerous?

In the right hands, an abdominoplasty is a very safe procedure. When moving forward with this procedure, we highly recommend selecting a board-certified surgeon.

Can a tummy tuck cause stomach issues?

An abdominoplasty will not typically cause stomach issues. More commonly, many patients find they feel full faster when eating meals. This is due to the tight muscle plication. Otherwise, there are no changes to the stomach.

Can I walk after tummy tuck?

Yes, an abdominoplasty is considered an outpatient surgery. This means there is no overnight hospital stay required, and patients leave the surgical center on the same day as surgery. With assistance right after anesthesia, our patients can walk on their own the day after their tummy tuck procedure.

Can you lose weight after tummy tuck?

Yes, you can continue to lose weight after an abdominoplasty. Many patients find that their body responds to exercise in a new and improved way. For some patients, weight loss after an abdominoplasty can provide an even better aesthetic result.

Do tummy tucks work?

Abdominoplasty is a great procedure to address one or multiple aesthetic concerns of the abdomen. Tummy tucks can address excess abdominal skin, loose abdominal skin, and/or loose abdominal muscles after pregnancy or weight loss. Through skin excision and muscle plication, abdominoplasty can transform an abdomen that has undergone major changes. Patients can generally consider their results to be “permanent” if there are no major lifestyle changes (major weight fluctuations, pregnancy, etc.)

Do you get a scar from a tummy tuck?

Because abdominoplasty includes skin excision, there is a scar associated with the procedure. Most often, it is a low-positioned, transverse incision that is typically covered by most underwear and swimsuits. In some cases, there may be other incisions needed to provide a better aesthetic outcome and maximum improvement. Because every patient has a different skin tone and heals differently, scars can sometimes be difficult to predict. However, with proper care, most scars tend to heal quite well.

Do you have to be skinny to get a tummy tuck?

Prior to any cosmetic surgery, we want patients to be the best versions of themselves. We encourage realistic goals for our patients. We strongly recommend patients be at or near their goal weight prior to moving forward with any elective cosmetic surgery.

Does a tummy tuck tighten muscles?

Yes, an abdominoplasty procedure includes a corset tightening and repair of the diastasis recti. This gap between the vertical muscles of the abdomen widens with childbearing or weight gain and does not typically go away. An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, corrects and tightens abdominal muscles that have been stretched.

How are tummy tucks done?

At CARE Plastic Surgery, our double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Brian Coan, performs abdominoplasty as an outpatient surgery. This means that patients can go home on the same day as their surgery. We have two AAAASF-certified operating rooms where the procedures are performed. We utilize both local anesthetic and MAC anesthesia (IV sedation) to provide the ultimate comfortable experience for the patients perioperatively. Dr. Coan lifts the abdominal flap, plicates the abdominal muscles with sutures, excises any excess skin, and pulls the abdominal skin as flat as possible to provide an optimal aesthetic appearance.

How can I lose my stomach fat?

There are many methods of fat reduction, including invasive and non-invasive options. Some options include liposuction, a safe and minimally invasive surgical procedure, and CoolSculpting, the nation's #1 non-invasive fat reduction technology. In some cases, patients may have abdominal fat that only responds to diet and exercise.

How long after a tummy tuck can you drink?

After surgery, you should abstain from alcohol for several weeks. Alcohol can impede your bodys ability to heal, negatively affecting your results. Dr. Coan will give you the best estimate of when you can resume drinking alcohol after your surgery.

Is it easier to lose weight after a tummy tuck?

While abdominoplasty is not a weight loss procedure, our patients find exercise to be more enjoyable after a tummy tuck. Additionally, patients tend to prefer a slimmer waistline, less loose skin, and tightened abdominal muscles. Patients also report achieving better results with exercise when they resume a normal exercise routine after a tummy tuck. Finally, many patients report a feeling of satiety and early fullness after an abdominoplasty procedure. This comes from the narrowing and tightening of the abdominal wall. It is similar to how having a tight belt on could limit how much you feel like eating during a large Thanksgiving meal.

When can I start working out after tummy tuck?

We advise patients to wait until 6 weeks after surgery to resume normal activity and exercise.

Who is a good candidate for tummy tuck?

Patients with loose abdominal skin and/or diastases recti are good candidates for this procedure. Diastasis recti is the partial or complete separation of the large abdominal muscles. It is quite common after pregnancy, but it can also occur after rapid and dramatic weight gain. An abdominoplasty corrects these concerns, as they do not respond to normal exercise.

Can I walk or go up stairs after a tummy tuck?

Yes, our surgical patients are not only able to walk but encouraged to walk with assistance immediately after the procedure. In the following days and/or weeks, most patients will be instructed to walk slightly bent over at the waist to ensure a more comfortable recovery process.

Can you get a tummy tuck if youre obese?

We strongly recommend patients be at or near their goal weight prior to moving forward with any elective cosmetic surgery. We recommend surgical patients be at a body mass index (BMI) of about 30 or below for optimal patient safety and best outcomes.

Can you get pregnant after a tummy tuck?

Abdominoplasty does not impact an individual's ability to become pregnant post-operatively. However, due to the nature of the procedure, we recommend patients be certain they are done with childbearing to prevent recurrent diastasis recti which may warrant a second tummy tuck.

Do men get tummy tucks?

Yes, we have many male patients who undergo abdominoplasty procedures. Oftentimes, men who have lost a significant amount of weight can be candidates for abdominoplasty due to abdominal wall and skin laxity issues from previous weight fluctuations.

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Real Testimonials

Dear Dr. Coan, Heartfelt thanks for your TLC and excellent skills ~ especially your knowledge and appreciation of micro-surgical techniques! Your feedback gave me a lot of confidence and assurance regarding my healing process. I am slowly re-introducing activity, and feeling great. Mary Ann

- Verified Care Plastic Surgery Patient

Good Morning I am wanting to send my biggest thank you to the entire staff at Care. Dr. Coan along with all of the ladies have been amazing… I feel so beautiful… happy… thankful… And confident thanks to your support and services… I am awake taking my meds and I just can’t stop smiling… Thank

- Verified Care Plastic Surgery Patient

April is one of the best aestheticians. She never recommends anything that is not needed. Care plastic is great in their service.

- Verified Care Plastic Surgery Patient

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New Patient Resources

Need to know more about our process? Check out a few of our blog posts below.

Stubborn Belly Fat? Here’s What to Expect from a Tummy Tuck


Full Tummy Tuck vs. Mini Tummy Tuck: Which One Do You Need?


What a Tummy Tuck Can and Can’t Do


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